Doing the dishes

He let it lay unattended for quite some time and that did it.

After a long, purposeful simmer, wonderful syrup was made. The wine, brown sugar, butter and caramel slowly came together like long lost lovers and became homogenous nectar. And every time he needed it to top a desert he poured it straight from the vessel. Thinking that he had plenty he did not bother to add the needed ingredients to keep the syrup going.

Eventually the deserts ended and the constant simmering had reduced the syrup into a thick crusty settlement on the vessel.

And understandably, a simple soap and scrub was completely ineffective. But the night was weary and he wanted to sleep so he soaked the vessel in the sink and promptly slept.

As other dishes came and went, the vessel stayed in the sink. The layer of crust remained and nothing seemed to dislodge it. He left it soaked in warm salty waters but to no avail. He invested in a powerful soap solution but even that failed as he wondered how something so basic in nature can be so acidic towards grime?

It took some more nights for chunks and pieces to come loose. However the vessel was stained beyond repair.

No, stained is a wrong word. The vessel now bore some inherent character of the syrup that was made in it. And, when he would begin with the next concoction, he would simply allow the new boil to taste like some of the old.

Replacing with a new vessel was an option that he never considered.

11 thoughts on “Doing the dishes

  • *and she smiles*

    Coincidentally, I was involved in a conversation of a similar nature with a ‘he’, you just seem to echo his words.

    It’s difficult to discern whether the next concoction or he himself would be bothered more.

  • Upasna: Exactly.It is actually difficult to discern who exactly cares in these changed times.

    Shreya: heheh You wont believe me but my tea vessel inspired this post. However i had to change it a bit to squeeze in more metaphors!

  • freaky…i did the same thing with a milk container day before yesterday…i forgot to turn the burner off..the milk l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y evaporated leaving a black charred sticky residue behind…dint even bother to wash it..chucked the bowl straightaway…believe me,not a very pretty sight…if a cow ever saw it ,she would refuse to give milk anymore..

  • I am working on a paper right now and I have been struggling with not only my paper but also your blog! Dush – I have lost my ability to understand metaphors. You make it hard for the reader – damn you 😉

    Okay – I was kidding. Loved this blog Dush. Super-duper deep. It’s time that we changed the vessel…trust me! 🙂

    (I really hope I understood your blog, else you are going to laugh at me!)

  • Shreya: I dont even need to google it. The tannic acid in tea does all the staining! If you use Sodium Bicarbonate solution before you use detergent, you should be able to reshine your tea vessel. The point is..whats the point in doing just that?

    Avanti: heheheh …well suprisingly those burnt milk stains are quite easy to get rid off if you believe in soaking with patience. However, This post really wasnt about stain removal! Glad to see here!

    Alexandria: If anything, Its my fault that i write overly metaphoric blogs. A metaphor is useless if the reader doesnt get it right away. So I guess in that respect i have failed! But thanks for the compliments!

    Oh, and the point was that replacing the vessel is not always the best answer 😉

  • why wud you write about it if u didnt care…
    And then i guess there is no best answer, there is just a best fit.
    Guess if u dont want to replace it, keep it aside, don’t use it.
    I am definitely more worried about the nxt concoction in line, not fair on it, is it?

  • Wow!! This one really had me wanting to write 2 comments…and both being quite contrary to each other!
    Replace it. Sometimes stagnation can be a dangerous friend.
    Learn from it. The vesel never lost its orignal chracter. Blend the new in with its old self.
    Neways, haven’t seen u online in quite a while. Hope all is well.
    Take care,

  • Dush: First of all I am Alexandra not Alexandria!! (very hurt!). Secondly, your blogs are good and I like those metaphors. What I meant was that I am a little slow :P, don’t quite know what’s going on in your mind 😉

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