The other woman

“Jennifer”, he exhaled slowly as she turned around. As far as he could remember, she looked just as spectacular as she had when he had first lay eyes on her. Her eyes were lined with black mascara, her hair was longer and her crooked smile was just as intoxicating as she looked squarely upon him.

It was remarkably strange and unexpectedly awkward for David. He noticed how vividly clear she was in his vision while the background seemed pale and obtuse. There were people all around them but it felt like he was with her alone.

They had broken up months ago. That event had completely destroyed David’s sanity and his sense of balance. After endless brutally honest discussions, they had decided to part ways completely. Phone numbers were deleted and pictures were burned. Trinkets and evidences of their togetherness still resided in nooks and crannies but largely David had managed to carve a hole in his heart and seal it up. He had assumed that he would never meet her again.

But this vision of Jennifer now impaled upon him. His heart fluttered weakly. And he uttered meekly, “I have so much to say”

She listened. She had always wanted to stay friends after the tear up. He had found that thought revolting.

David couldn’t resist talking to her. Spilling his life plans, his ambitions as if they had never split. The diarrhea of information that was spouting out of him bothered him immensely. But it was as if he had no physical control on what he was telling her. Despite the break up, despite the pain, he wanted to tell her everything that had happened to him since they split and what he was planning to do from this point on.

“I am moving to Italy” he said. Her eyes perked with interest. He gushed happily.

“I want to draw cars”. Her eyes shone with adulation which made his solid castle walls fall. “Will you come to visit?” he asked, in a tone that was slightly more distinguished than an utter beg.

A discomforted look scanned Jennifer’s beautiful face. Those pale people around now came to focus and appeared to be her friends. They were clearly trying to yank her away to whatever they were supposed to be doing together. He was annoyed and concealed the emotion unsuccessfully.

Jennifer made her break-up face. The twisted contortions of her forehead were a harbinger of utterly painful news. She said, in a tone lacking any warmth.

“I am always interested in your plans. I just don’t think I can be in them ever”. Whatever she said after that sounded like clatter to David’s ears. They had long stopped listening since. His eyes fell downward as she was successfully towed away by her friends, oblivious to David’s destruction.

He squirmed in discomfort. His breathing danced to an unnatural rhythm. He paced, twisted and finally woke up with a jolt. To his left lay a warm woman’s body. As he opened his eyes, his gaze fell directly upon her back and her loose hair in which he was nuzzled in softly.

So he whispered, in relief. “Jen”

Lauren ‘mmmed’ coyly in her slumber as she slid her back closely to an awakened David and went back to her deep sleep.

13 thoughts on “The other woman

  • Is David a reflection of you?
    It seems like David's Heart & Mind will never get over Jen no matter whom he is with now. Nice post though enjoyed reading it.


  • Joliecoeur: David is pure fiction. He exhibits some characteristics that are similar to mine but largely behaves in a way I would like to 🙂

    Jennifer is completely imaginary. I have yet to make up her personality definite.

    I am glad you liked it!

  • Well I guess I just have to read more about David to find out more about your characteristics 😉
    Thanks for the info though. Any advice on what posts to read that describes more about you….
    Hope to hear soon.


  • I sure hope I am not somebodys Lauren, on second thought I'd rather not be Jen either. Not sure I could live with breaking someones heart like that.

    I read somewhere about the theory of natural selection and how it applies in the way people select a partner. The 'weaker sex' usually looks for a match that would make their life easier. In other words 'whatever fit into their plans better'. The head usually takes over the heart, I know I'm a woman and I am saying this but I can cite several examples of this.

    I'm not really supporting Jen but I can probably understand why the decision was made to let David go.

    Great story as always! If you write a book I will buy a signed copy!!!

  • Baba: too intriguing ;-)?

    JC: I wouldn't recommend extrapolation of any kind!

    Jasmine: nice perspective! I wonder if your outlook would be any different if he had uttered the right name when he woke up? That was an alternate ending that I considered.

  • Jc: in that case, I have made a section that lists all the Jennifer and David stories 🙂 my favorite post section list the ones that came naturally to me.

    You realize this is slightly embarrassing because I don't how to deal with your interest in my writing and me:-)

  • well i don't quite like the 'other woman'.. ever. whether it's fiction or real life. i like jen. she seems real. i wish i hadn't read the ending though.

    and oh, i ll buy the copy too right after jasmine 🙂

  • CAR:Thank you for the clarification on David & Jen lists, I did see that 🙂
    And I am sorry I didn't mean to embarass you, that was not my intention whatsoever! But I will be more than happy to answer your question privately, I wouldn't want to post that on you blog!
    BTW: Count me in for a copy if you ever decide to publish one 😉


  • I think I prefer this ending. In my opinion men are more likely call to call out the 'other' name. Women on the other hand, tend to move on much more easily 🙂

  • I have to disagree with Jasmine, it is the men that tend to move on more easily, women are much more emotional and heartbroken (blame it on the hormones maybe 🙂 !that's why the men tend to call out the "other name" more likely.

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