Andy Warhol’s clouds

A recent Friday was spent in the city of Pittsburgh. It’s unusually hilly for this part of the United States. When looking for parking, I found myself entering a tunnel that took me through a mountain on the other side. I can’t recall the last time I visited a new city without getting this lost.

But, that apart, she and I found our way to the Andy Warhol museum located downtown. She had a picture of the Brooklyn Bridge taken by the artist and found it fascinating enough to invest $12 on the entire museum.

I, on the other hand, could not see what the fuss was about. I consider myself decently bent artistically but those seven floors of randomness did not impress me one bit.

Until I came about this room filled with silver helium balloons, entrapped by air curtains from all four sides… As I walked through the make believe clouds with silver linings, I couldn’t help but feel happy. Float(y) and Free.

Does one good exhibit justify the seven floored monstrosity? No, not really. But it was really good fun!

5 thoughts on “Andy Warhol’s clouds

  • Visit MOMA. Or then, maybe not!!

    There was blank white board, with a chair in front of. A naked yellow bulb, and a written piece- mostly existentialist crap. Could be found on a million average blogs (not meaning to sound condescending!!). It was paraded as a piece of art…

    But then, there were other pieces that justified the three hours i spent there- my stomach being the only cranky (growly!) one!

    Just buy it, I say.

  • Ah, you did what I’d been meaning to (but never did) in my two years in Pittsburgh. Did you see the Cathedral of Learning (part of UPitt)? Now that is worth seeing.

    I dunno about the museum, but I’ve liked Warhol’s photo treatments of the Brooklyn bridge, Elvis, Mao, and Marilyn Monroe. His Campbell soup can paintings are iconic, but I don’t know what the big deal about them is.

  • Funny you should spend your time visiting a museum while I did the same. Only mine had only one floor and the first exhibit I saw was the GT40. Been there?

  • Ajay: Did not know that existed! Perhaps next time? All i saw besides the andy warhol were the inclines and station square!

    Shreya: I will visit MOMA when i get a chance. Since its a collection of several artists I am sure the chances of me liking something stand higher.

    Praveen: No. Not as yet. But what if i told you that every career fair we had two GT’s parked in front of the library with one of them idling its gorgeous engine?

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