One Life. One Love. One Dream.

She will be rear wheel drive with on demand front wheel traction when faced with slippery conditions. The engine will be mounted at rear, but unlike a tail happy Porsche, I will ask the Praveen to mount it as close to the driver’s back. The engine will be light and will incorporate peak at 7000 rpm. It shall not be expected to deliver any more HP then 200.

Of course, vehicle dynamics will not be compromised. A slight over steer will be dialed in. Electronics will be optional. Even if someone opts for them, he/she will have an option to turn them off. Fancy electronics will only be factored in if we manage to under cut the weight goal. Suspensions and dampers will be optimized for low body roll and fantastic poise in turns. Ride could be harsh at times but for average roads will be equivalent to any Acura vehicle.

The car has to be light except where it matters. Two seats only, at the exact centre of the wheel base. A three spoke steering wheel optimized for the smallest diameter possible. Dials will be illuminated with an angelic whitish glow and marked in straight simple to read fonts. The tachometer will overshadow the speedometer while other dials will be faded out. The dashboard would be clean and simple with delightful silver inserts. The entire dashboard otherwise would be black. All the key function buttons would be located on the centre panel which would run through the centre of the car. This of course would be the key to the car’s stiff chassis.

A six speed short transmission with no dead gearing. The driver will be always left with a feeling of available grunt. The shifter will be silver knob with gear markings in electric red. A heads up display will indicate gear position with a red flickering dot when engine reaches red line. A low reminding whine is also possible.

Driver will sit low but the car will have enough clearance to make it on the average streets. Entry and exit could be difficult but future designs will look at a roof cut door like the Ford GT 40.

Design will incorporate enough luggage space at the front for a 3 day weekend. Straps would be design to hold luggage as close to passenger area.

Exterior design will not be funky. Instead I will incorporate simple lines end with low radius curves. Side view mirrors can be located at the top of the A pillar for better rear view visibility. White high density head lights are to be incorporated. A simple grill at a front and a design crease running for the length of vehicle acting as a centre line marker will add the edge needed.

We shall try to make it as cheap as possible. A good amount under the Lotus and Porsche prices… No attempt would be made to compete with these greats but the entire emphasis would be on paying respects to two of the greatest car makers. Hopefully, any well educated self supporing upper middle class individual should have the ability to buy this car.

There is a good chance that in all this we both could end up bankrupt.

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