Leaping reality

I have now caught up with you, again. How you get away from me is always amazing. I am equally impressed with the lead you build up. Unfortunately, not much can be said about how you slow down as you are winning. It is like clockwork. The last time you sped up on me is when you had just finished graduate school. You had a new job, a used car and about a month and half vacation at home. Ah, that uppity-up look on your clean shaven face and that fresh book to capture meeting-minutes! You blazed your way through a snowy small city to a pretentious one. You earned yourself a test driver certification and a navigation equipped car. Brilliant! But now what, I am here. You are here. Don’t wince. Don’t hate me. This is clearly your fault. You should not have slowed down. You did not have to look back. What about eight years ago? I had barely caught up with you when raced away on two wheels and 13 horsepower. How radiant you looked in your dad’s fancy shirt and brand new khakis as you were rewarded for academic achievements! You really thought she liked you back? Ah, but you were invincible then. So what if she was two years elder. Yet, as the years rolled, she found some one elder. And eventually you had to do your own dishes. This is when I caught up with you, then. Let’s not dwell on the past too much. I am curious to see what you do next. I hope you realize that as you grow older, it is getting harder to lose me. You will have to do a lot more. A lot more then fancy double lane changes, under-used puma shoes, Japanese winters and recovering from a broken knees. Don’t you just love leap years? Well, at least, I do.

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