This was the first time…

The football (American) soared way off target and landed on my car as I was getting the groceries out. While it could have been an honest mistake by the thrower, it also seemed very likely to be done on purpose as he had missed his intended receiver by quite lot.

I walked over to the point of impact and was relieved to see no dent formed. Playing on the streets as a kid myself, I requested the kids to play somewhere else.

I said, “Would you mind playing somewhere else?”
He said, “ Huh?”
I repeated the exact same sentence. Now slower and with more of an accent…

They look at us and smirk. Not outwardly but definitely give smirking an inner thought. They look at us in our Honda Accords and make fun of us while they stay stranded on the road next to their American Chevy Cavaliers. They feel even worse when they see us in expensive BMW’s and Jaguars. Surely, these cars are too good for these people. Weren’t they content with bullock carts back home?

“Would you mind playing somewhere else?” I repeated.
“ I am sorry mister, I cannot understand what you are saying.” He said. I still did not get what he was hinting at.

And then take our jobs. Wear branded shirts. Live in our town houses. Stink the place up with they smelly food. Invite more of their kind on weekends for more of their food. They buy play stations, fancy shoes. How? How do they live so well and how do they save? Perhaps, we should start saving too.

“ Please be careful, guys. Play where there are no cars around.” I tried this statement and soon it hit me.
“ I am sorry mister, I cannot understand you. We speak English.”
“ What language am I speaking?”
“ Huh? We cannot understand?” the kid behind him added.
Kids ganging up on a brown guy… Was it worth saying anything back?

Them, with their hairy chests and brown skin… They dirty our swimming pools. And what a ghastly sight, those loose stomachs and non-existent biceps? Do they shower everyday? Are they making fun of us when they speak their funny tongue? The couples, they don’t seem to fight. Their kids, why are they so well behaved? We are sure they must be having no fun. Unlike us, no parents to worry about but only boats to polish on the weekend.

Never before I had such an issue with my accent. I could get some one to understand what I am saying within two tries. I soon realized that these kids were just out to have some fun.

And why do they have to do everything that we do? Sky diving, White water rafting, Bungee jumping, Wine tasting? Don’t they know how stupid they look?

A smaller kid, much smaller, he quipped, “ This is America, here we speak English.”
And while I was digesting how ridiculous that sounded an elder kid added, “ Nice shot Jason”

Retaliation was pointless, as they believed in a different language. An English that after two years, I still haven’t been able to catch on.

And thanking my stars for that I made way into my house with groceries…

20 thoughts on “This was the first time…

  • Somehow, if i were you i wouldnt know how to react initially..its depressing in a way..and then probably i wud say something back..i dunno wht but something..even if it were pointless..

  • Since you said it was a small should have said your million retorts and should have added one more for me!

    Ofcourse, if the guy was 6 feet, weighing more than 200 lbs, then don’t fret about not saying much!

  • It’s horrible that you had to go through this. My heart goes out to young Indian students who are classmates with those brutes. But you did well man. You did well.

  • so…the grass isn’t all that green on that side either…it’s sad to hear this but it comes as no surprise to me…the american dream is exactly that…just a dream…

  • Infinity: The grass was never declared to be green. The american dream is like any other dream. To single out america as the bad apple is ridiculous. We are all biased, all countries have racism…these were 15 yr old hoods..this is what they do. Anyways, i appreciate your concern. But the post was not in anyways, US bashing.

    Dq: heheh, may be i should check the way i write. I was more confused and dazed then upset!

    Ajay: True, racism can be ugly. I am glad i had no issues in school!

  • i did not mean to bash the us of a in any manner either…its just tht indians(in india),well most of them anyway, have such a hallowed image of the nation of mcdonald’s and coke tht this wud be a shock to them…i know tht life is more of a nightmare than a dream,whichever point of the globe u may b on…

  • well things are worse than you could imagine. hate crimes are alive and well here, atleast u werent physically abused and had to spend the night in a university hospital……yup that happened, i would agree if you said things always dont go that bad. i would agree with infinity though…..america should be bashed where it deserves bashing. Racism being prevalent elsewhere doesnt make it ok here.

  • those kids aren’t american at all. since a long time, america has embraced diversity and probably thats the reason why they are so advanced. no single race can beat a combination of everything. and of course, there are always going to be rotten apples.

  • Reminds me of the “for here to go” episode I had during my first food quest in the US (Wendy’s). I told the young lady that I could not understand what she meant, in response to her casual “for here to go”. She said forcefully again “FOR HERE TO GO”. Maybe if she paraphrased or added the “OR” in the middle I would have been less blank. Quite ironic, since I was the one asking what she meant/said. She sure must have been ticked off. Tolerance and empathy please.

  • i don’t think this incident is so much about racism. there are times when the same thing happens here. i think those kids are fundamentally screwed up, right from their childhood and give release to their frustration and insecurity through such incidents. i might have done the same thing, if i was in their place.

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