Whatever v2.0


A word I have historically despised because it offers an easy way out of an argument. But if you take it out of that context, I feel this word is making a slight comeback.

I am certainly not an analyst but when things go downhill or stay unusually stagnant, there usually are three phases. There is the easy and overused denial, followed by introspection and a gap analysis, and lastly, the fix that solves the situation. However, very little attention is devoted to what follows after because the assumption is that the fix-a-patch works.

But lately, any fix I come up with has resulted in absolutely no change. To some who I care for, I continue to be visualized as mis-domesticated monster. To those on the playing field, I end up unjustly being the unnoticed. My kitchen soils despite my best efforts. My shiny black car’s plastic shrouds on the under carriage remains just as vulnerable to road debris, despite my unbridled love for her. And despite yearly personality updates I keep losing a friend a year. Like blue fin tuna, they too are limited in number.

Initially, efforts were focused on being better than average until I realized otherwise. Now, all my energy is entirely dedicated to maintain the class average. Will this slide stop?(Hint: The answer is the tittle)

And here is where I think the word whatever allows a precise explanation of the state of affairs. A silent puff of relief; a sincere attempt to stop self-impingement! To change the conversation to nicer topics and eating pan fried fishes. It is the final word in the cycle of self analysis.

When that solution, any solution, has no outcome, then take a step back…

Know well that arguing against oneself is like playing a round of self chess. That there is no winner just as there is no loser. Stand up tall. Breathe in and Pout out your non-buffed chest. Look around to absorb the drabness. And then in one quick release of air, say it out clearly and proudly.


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