Wright and Rong

“You can’t possibly be falling for me. This is not how it was supposed to be! You weren’t supposed to fall for me!” David exclaimed, although in a gradually rising tempo.
Jennifer received this with a good measure of utter confusion and speechlessness. “What?!” She managed, only barely.
David was now facing her squarely yet his eyes darted randomly. “Jen. I wasn’t expecting this.”
Jen, now collected her thoughts, but could only manage a “what” again.
“All this while, I have always maintained that I would be the one that fell for you. You would have second thoughts and perhaps make me wait. May be a year or maybe more! Eventually you would move on to guy who is definitely taller, thinner and admittedly smarter and I would begin a laborious six month to get over you. But never ever had I imagined this. You like me? You love me?” David explained. Perhaps too rationally
Jennifer wasn’t quite sure if this was the correct time to get angry or continue with the strings of “what’s”
“David, are you nuts? Here I am telling you that I am falling for you. Asking us to get together and you are telling me that it is not supposed to be?” She said this in as straight-faced manner as she continued.
And then she said this “David, It is not supposed to be anything”
David nodded. He had been thinking this for a while.
The difference between right and wrong in his childhood years had always been glaringly simple. All that irked his parents was undoubtedly forbidden. Anything that scraped his arms, sent a pulsating voltage through his fingers and crayons that were hard on his stomach were to be avoided. Coming first in class, saying thank you and sharing his favourite dish with his cousins was to be practiced in earnest.
During his teens he simply flipped the right and wrong. Anything even remotely rebellious was adored. All that was not branded, out of vogue, convincing cheap and not liked by his peers was considered wrong.
However, in his present years, David was completely clueless as to where to draw the line. He had spent years developing pre conceived notions, on how, things were supposed to be. He had always maintained stringent rules of engagement when it came to people who smoked, drove after drinking and did not play any outdoor sports. He mindlessly drafted stories for people he had just met. His ideas on love had jaded but still maintained no relief for adultery. At work, he had set ways on how he drafted emails and hosted design reviews.
But lately, the people he had met and experiences he had had changed everything. He was convinced that most of his ideas on how things were supposed to be were almost wrong. And that he could not see the right way or perhaps, he could no longer convince himself that there was any right way in the first place.
And now this? Jennifer had the turned the tables of love on him altogether. And he just wasn’t ready to bite. After all, if she wasn’t supposed to love him first then why was he supposed to say yes?
But then again, it wasn’t supposed to be anything.

11 thoughts on “Wright and Rong

  • david and jennifer are made for each other… david would be foolish if he says no.. he cant get truer love :)..
    – david’s well wisher! (dont know jen though)

  • Ah, is this what this is all about?!

    P.S – Dushyant im pretending to have understood your adequately creative, cathartic and amply encrypted writing 🙂

  • David’s well wisher: Perhaps you are right. If only all relationships had advantages of hindsight

    Upasna: If it is supposed to mean something, then I ask you, why is it supposed to mean anything. Clearly, circular theories are best left undiscussed unless there are nectars involved.

    Dk: heheh. Yes. This is what this is all about.

    I am pretending that I understood your comment

  • as david’s well wisher i say “Better late than never” … God bless jen and david… i love that couple even without knowing jen!!

  • ummm…i actually thought it was funny!! not funny-stupid-writing way, but really something funny about this guy’s obvious confusion…

    but judging from the comments, i doubt it was your intention.

    when you say right and wrong- are you talking about the ethical-moral question, or are you asking “what is the best course to take”?

  • Shreya: I did originally intend it to be funny but I think I lost my way when I tried to add a moral to the whole story.

    When I say right and wrong, I only mean that sometimes even right is spelled wrong 🙂

  • as we are having at LIP (www.livinginpoetry.blogspot.com) honoring the voice of Mystic Rose..please join us and share your thoughts on Mystic Rose

    Thanks ..Nasra

  • And who said girls were complicated?? Guys play mind games too…they will do everything to win a girl’s attention, but they don’t want her to fall in love..All they want is the satisfaction in the knowledge that they can have some1 nice (by normal standards) fall for them. I relate to Jen. I know how that feels.
    – P

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