iPOD: For a few hundred dollars less

I started my quest with the gratis network marketing after a brand new free 20 GB iPOD was actually received by one of my friends through this scheme. Thus began a ferocious attempt at obtaining the product of the decade for less $40. Please note that you will need extreme dedication and a good phone/palm/outlook/calendar with reminding capability for you take on this venture or you might lose some money or some friends. Please follow my specific instructions and avoid the mistakes I made.


1. Please click on this link
2. Fill up your info as directed.
3. Its now time for you to enroll in an offer. In my case I chose blockbuster and got the $9.99 deal. When I cancelled the offer they gave me a free additional month. In any case you don’t have to enroll in a sensible offer. Just make sure that it is cheap and that you get instant credit after enrolling. Sometimes you have to pay only for the shipping, which costs about $6 max.
4. You will then send your very own referral link to five people or preferably more. Note that you cannot send this link back to me or anyone who has already enrolled in the scheme. So find 5 new fresh guys with different billing address as that is a must. Send an email to them when directed with your referral link.
5. Your friends must use your link to enter the website else their credits wont go towards your free iPOD. On paper you need only five to complete some offer and you shall get your iPOD but it is a good idea to get at least seven/eight people on board as some might always be discounted for reasons unknown. I had eight out of which 5 were approved.
6. Once your friends are enrolled in offers, please make sure that you remind them to cancel the offers in time. The ploy used is that a free membership turns into a paid one without you knowing if you fail to cancel it within the stipulated time. Thus if you are not careful in remembering when to cancel, you might end up with $50 bill in your credit card statement.
7. It’s difficult to convince friends to use their credit cards. Promise them cash for the money they spent also set up accounts for them so that you can take on the burden of canceling the offers on time. Take their addresses and credit card info, and then select offers, which you already are aware off and then cancel in time. If you fail you should in good ethics pay for the additional cost? Lose money, not friends.
8. If anyone is skeptical, please feel free to direct him (through email) or her to me. I can clear their doubts.
9. Please remember that your friend has to click on the referral link before he completes the info on the website. There are other ways of getting to that website but that will leave you high and dry and your friend would have spent money for no cause.
10. It doesn’t really have to be your friend! It can be anyone who agrees to do this with a different billing address then all your friends.
11. The whole process takes time as you might find some of your contacts were not approved for stupid reasons. You must keep at it and have patience when they take seven days for approval and so on so forth. The whole process takes about a month if you get your friends to sign up in a week.

I am not supporting the gratis network. But I do absolutely adore the iPOD and have been unable to justify buying one at full price though it is completely worth it. With this, I guarantee, if you play your cards correct, you will get an iPOD for less than $30. Beat the system. Get the iPOD.


I am in no way responsible for the money you spend or lose on this scheme. Once you sign on you are on your own. Please don’t come to me when you screw up. My instructions are not fool proof. You must read the fine print at every stage. Every offer has a catch. You need to catch it. Also i think this offer exists only for U.S Residents.

What I can assure you is that this works and I have the white angel to prove for it.

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